ZIGBEE Radios Landed on Mars
Recently one of the biggest achievements this year is achieved through Zigbee . Today, we got to know the Ingenuity drone Helicopter whirling about on Mars. Ingenuity interacts with the Perseverance rover by using 900MHz Zigbee radios. It doesn’t use GSM, Wi-Fi, or something peregrines such as fission-powered lasers or space algae. It uses the same technology you utilize to put on a Philips Hue lightbulb. We get this news via an unbelievable tweet from Ben Bromley . And Bromley found it on the Linux Unplugged podcast with guest Tobin Richardson, CEO of the Zigbee Alliance. As per the tweet, Zigbee is the ideal protocol (wireless) to send telemetry data between the Perseverance rover of NASA. And also to the semi-autonomous flying drone. Richardson said, “Looking at extreme environments, like Mars, it’s nice to have a very slushy purpose-built standard.” “and it’s necessary to get the fundamental information across and makes it possib...